Here you will find answers to the most common questions. Curious about the move-in or move-out process, check out the move-in guide or move-out guide. Have a left field question, no problem, Contact us
Frequently asked Questions
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I have an emergency, what do I do?
For any emergency including fires, flooding or anything criminal always call 911. Afterward let us know when possible at +1 208 352 0106.
Can anyone smoke inside the residence?
Smoking is not allowed. Per the Lease, there is no smoking inside the residence, garage, or within 10 feet of an entry/exit. This includes E-cigarettes, vaping devices and ALL smoking.
I want a pet, what do I do?
Pets are allowed on a case by case basis when they are allowed at the property. Contact GSP for the pet forms. Pets are not allowed without written consent of GSP.
What happens if I disable or don’t pay attention to my smoke detectors?
Smoke detectors keep you and others safe. Batteries are changed in smoke detectors prior to move-in. When a smoke detector battery is low, it is your responsiblity to change it. If you have trouble, fill out a Maintenance Request. If you disable or neglect a smoke detector, you are liable for damages and fines resulting from your failure to repair or report this.
I lost my keys or locked myself out. How do I gain entry?
If you find yourself without keys and it is not urgent, fill out a Maintenance Request. If you need access urgently, call +1 208 352 0106. You will be billed per the lease for the key(s) and/or to unlock your residence.
How are mailbox keys handled?
If you have a locked or cluster mailbox, this is handled directly with USPS. Bring a copy of your lease and there is a minimal rekeying charge paid directly to USPS.
I need the lock changed or an additional deadbolt, what is the process?
Per the Lease, all locks are managed by GSP. If you need a new lock set installed, fill out a Maintenance Request. You will be billed per the lease for the key(s) and/or to unlock your residence.
Are my possessions insured?
GreenerSide Properties does not insure your possessions. You are fully and solely responsible for any damage or loss to any personal property located in or on the residence including vehicles, regardless of the cause of the damage.
Is Renters insurance required ?
Yes, and it is highly recommended and best practice. GreenerSide Properties does not insure any possessions of yours. If you want more information about finding renters insurance, click here.
How do I report damage?
Fill out a Maintenance Request. All damage must be reported at time of discovery. If damage presents a significant risk or permenant damage to the residence, call us at +1 208 352 0106
How much is the deposit and when is it due?
The deposit varies by residence. All deposits are due prior to move-in.
How is my deposit handled?
All deposits are held in escrow to secure the return of the residence in like condition. You will recieve your deposit back thirty (30) days after vacating the residence less any deductions. Follow these steps to recieve your full deposit:
All rent has been paid in full;
All utilites have been paid until the end of your lease term;
The lease has expired;
Proper notice per the Lease has been given to GSP;
Residence has been cleaned and restored to move-in condition, less normal wear and tear;
Carpets must be professionally cleaned with a truck mounted steam cleaner after residence is empty and before inspection with receipt to be included in move-out inspection;
Resident has returned all keys and remotes and completed a move-out inspection
How secure is GreenerSide Properties?
We encrypt your data both in transit and at rest, including emails and other personal identifiable metadata. We use 256-bit AES encryption for storage and the latest TLS v1.3 ECC encryption in transit. Our database is hosted in a private cloud. All of our systems are built with privacy and security as the top priority. You don't have to take our word for it, check out our grades from Qualys or Probely that cover transit.